N.B. Registration deadlines are one week before each class. Winter/Spring classes TBA
Fall 2023 classes included: Marionette Basics, Shadow Puppetry, Toy Theatre, & Teach Your Puppet to Act
001 LOW TECH VIDEO & SHADOW – with Tim Gosley in association with Theatre Inconnu. Two Sessions – February 4th and 11th, from 1 to 2:30 EST. 
In person in BC – Enrollment $200
Or on-line – Enrollment $100
In the first of these two sessions, Tim demonstrates numerous simple and inexpensive techniques to create engaging live video and LED shadow imagery with your cell phone and other easily accessible equipment. Over the week between the sessions, you create an exploration that you present for the other participants either live or pre-recorded in the second session. Since 1980, Tim Gosley has enjoyed a career in television including with the Muppets and worked in live theatre exploring live video, LED shadows and other techniques. He lives in Victoria, BC and is currently waiting to hear if a Toronto TV pilot is going to air.
002 PUPPETEERING FOR TV – with Frank Meschkuleit. In person at Puppetmonger’s Studio, on February – 18th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Enrollment $125
This one-day intensive will help the budding puppeteer or experienced manipulator elevate their craft. Viewed through the lens of the camera, puppetry takes on an exciting, personal dynamic- as well as presenting many challenges! Join 40 year veteran Frank Meschkuleit, with credits including “Fraggle Rock”, for an intensive day of Fun! For over 40 years, Frank has been one of Canada’s most sought-after puppeteers. Experienced in film, tv, stage, and commercial puppet manipulation, Frank welcomes the opportunity to share the lessons and insights learned from working with Jim Henson’s Muppets, to his live adult puppet shows which have sold out runs across Canada.
003 MASK MAKING – with David Powell. In person at Puppetmonger’s Studio, March 3rd, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Enrollment $125
Learn how to create light-weight, flexible, long-lasting masks from Bristol board, masking tape and acrylic paint. This unusual technique, devised by David, turns a flat surface into a three-dimensional object – a skill that can be adapted to make many other things… including puppet heads. David Powell is a founding member of Puppetmongers Theatre and the Toronto School of Puppetry. He has led workshops on many-many puppetry techniques and made masks for quite a few theatre and dance companies, and for several Puppetmonger Theatre productions. www.puppetmongers.com
004 SIMPLE WOODEN PUPPETS – with John and Kathy Nolan of Rag & Bone Theatre. On-line, April 14th, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. Enrollment $60.
From kid’s workshops to professional collaborations, we love to make puppets out of wood. This workshop will take participants through some of our favorite processes, including ways to find faces in random shapes that are then glued together, using appliquéd fabric and paper for features and costumes, and adding handles.
005 LISTEN UP- On-line with John Nolan of Rag & Bone Theatre. April 21st, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. Enrollment $60.
Good sound is essential but often overlooked. We’ll talk about ways to arrange your space for less echo, fewer extraneous noises, and more clarity; options for mic placement; choosing mics and recording equipment; processing and editing techniques; and places to find sound effects and music. With John Nolan of Rag & Bone Theatre.
Ottawa based John Nolan and Kathy MacLellan, of UNIMA award winning Rag & Bone Puppet Theatre, have created, produced, and toured over 20 shows and collaborated with other companies on many more. We’ve also taught many workshops for all ages on making puppets out of wood. https://ragandbone.ca
006 PUPPET FILM MAKING! – with Robin Pulfuss of RoRo Arts. Three sessions: May 5th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in-person at Puppetmonger’s Studio, and then May 12th online, with a.m. and p.m. sessions. Enrollment $220
Planning, Shooting and Editing; How to Make Movies with Puppets. Learn the ins and outs of making movies with puppetry, from story boarding to editing – by DOING IT! The first Sunday is in-person, there will be some homework during the week, the second Sunday will be online, and you’ll make a short puppet film!
Robin is a whimsical storyteller, puppet builder and performer at festivals and events. She makes short films, organizes online and in-person Puppet Slams, and teaches puppet building & performing workshops. RoRo Art is her toy-making business, and Puppet What What is the irrepressible sock puppet who bosses her around. www.youtube.com@sockpuppety
N.B. If there is enough interest, we will also offer a BEYOND BASIC MARIONETTE course in winter/spring 2024 – please email us at <school@puppetmongers.com> if you want this.