PXL Project Participant application form

Application must be submitted by the due date posted .

Please download, fill out and submit the form below. Scan and email this form with a short bio to: school@puppetmongers.com Or mail to: Puppetmongers PXL,  3 Jersey Street, Toronto, ONT. M6G 3A2

(Please write clearly)
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Day Phone: ________ Evening Phone: ___________
E-mail: ______________________________________________
Anything you would like to say about yourself (optional):

I am interested in the following activities (check all that apply).
 Choreography
 Construction
 Costuming
 Design
 Directing
 Dramaturgy
 Lighting
 Music/SFX
 Performing
 Video/filmmaking
 Other__________
Briefly, what is your interest in puppetry: _____________________

I will bring my non-refundable $300 materials & workshop fee to the initial meeting. I have read this package and understand the PXL process and guidelines. As a participant in PXL, I will subscribe to the policies set forth by Puppetmongers Theatre regarding the use and limitations of the facilities and staff.

Signature: ____________________
Date : ___________________